52 Words I love…
Words can be triggers. Language can be binding. One of the most valuable lessons I learned, mostly during tough times, was to choose my words carefully. We tend to think of the impact of our words when we speak to or have regretfully spoken to others. But, what about when we speak to ourselves? Since we all know that it is impossible to move through life without storms, why not reach for the sun through our words. Use words that reorient, recharge and reprogram you. There are 52 words I absolutely love.
“It is impossible to move through life without storms, so reach for the sun through your words.”
joy - healing - boundaries - rainbows - courage - defy - armor - honey - power
boldness - overflow - rise - mountaintop - moxie - green - give - light - faith
intercession - spring - roots - choice - higher - aroma - strength - breathe - aura
promise - love - authority - undaunted - living - fearless - inward - moonlight
sunshine - karma - water - glitter - center - dharma - complete - afterglow
bridge - golden - trust - smile - boomerang - primal - instinct - universe - me
Use any or all 52 words as positive triggers for your mind. Affirm who you are, where you are, what you will do and where you will be.
“Don’t be bound or defeated by negative language. Say these affirmations with me...”
I’m snatching my joy like someone is trying to steal it.
I choose to love myself first.
I send light into the world and it will reflect back to me.
My choice needs no explanation.
I will give from my overflow.
I will not wait for spring to clean “my house”.
I know the difference between life and living, living is the priority.
I take refuge in the dharma, my steps are ordered for greater good.
I’ve got moxie, and that’s enough!
I sleep soundly knowing the universe is conspiring for my good.
“...and now go encourage another woman to do the same.”